Our archery and rifle elk hunts are all done on private property owned by our family for generations. We offer full accommodation hunts based from our two lodges. Both lodges offer a full range of modern conveniences including modern kitchen, bathrooms, satellite tv and all modern amenities in a unique country setting. We hunt one of North America's largest Elk herds. Guests can expect to see between 100 and 300 animals daily. Our hunts take place at an elevation of between 7000 and 8500ft and are conducted by horseback and occasionally ATV's, depending on terrain and weather.
With our Mule Deer hunts, nearly every aspect of the hunt is the same as our Elk trips. Spot and stalk conducted on horseback. Success rates on deer are about 80-85% for 150 class deer & up. We killed some nice 170-190 bucks in years past and expect the same this year!
2015 Price List:
Elk Bow Hunts,4 days, main ranch: $5,200 Elk Rifle Hunts, 4 days, main ranch: $4,700 Mule Deer Rifle Hunts, 4 days, main ranch: $4,200 Elk/Deer Combo Rifle Hunts, 4 days, main ranch: $6,700
All hunts are on PRIVATE GROUND ONLY and include Full Accommodations at one of our beautiful mountain lodges.
We accept Visa/MC, Cash or Check.