SPGI offers 3 different styles or types of moose hunting. We offer an early season archery hunt which runs from August 25 thru to the calling season. This hunt mainly consists on sitting on licks pre-scouted through out the summer with some early morning glassing for spot and stalk moose in cut blocks, river edges leases and logging roads. All bulls are in velvet on this hunt.
Bear - We offer both spring and fall spot and stalk hunts. Spring hunts in our area are conducted from the first of May through to mid June.SPGI hunting area is perfect for spring spot and stalk as the topography of the area allows us to hunt early season along the rivers and lower flat lands around 2100 feet above sea level, as the spring progresses we can follow the trend of fresh green shoots and dandelions all the way up to our higher elevations to around 4500 to 5000 feet above sea level.