Big Game Hunting Trips

1689 Outfitters that offer Big Game Hunting Trips found.We're here to help you plan your next hunting adventure. The best deer, elk, bear and other big game outfitters in Texas, Colorado and beyond are right here on Guidefitter.
Trinity Fork Outfitters
Trophy Black Bear Hunting in CaliforniaStarting from $3,700
Orleans • Trinity Fork Outfitters offers archery and general season hunts for Black Bears in California. Bear tags can be bought over-the-counter and are valid for a huge chunk of the state. It's no secret that California has a lot of bears, including both large and color phase bears. Our hunts provide the opportunity to explore remote regions of Northern California where we have permits to access thousands of acres of forest that host a robust bear population. Guides start hitting the mountains in the summer scouting for bears. We've had eyes on dozens of bears before the season begins. Food sources change throughout the year and the key to finding bears is to find the food. Our guides will have several feeding locations scouted before guests arrive and we will put you in the ideal location to glass for bears getting fat before winter.
Pure Trophy Blacktail Deer Hunting in CAStarting from $3,700
Orleans • Trinity Fork Outfitters offers archery and general season backcountry and wilderness deer hunts for pure Columbian Blacktail deer in the "B zones" of California. B zone tags can be bought over-the-counter but that doesn't mean it won't be a hunt of a lifetime. We have permits to operate on thousands of acres of prime deer habitat. Guides spend the summer scouting and patterning big bucks so that they can get you in the perfect position for the shot when the season comes. If you are interested in a spot and stalk hunt in truly spectacular country and a chance at harvesting a mature blacktail buck this may be the perfect adventure for you. 2022 Deer Season in our hunt area Archery: August 20 – September 11 General Season: September 17 – October 23
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