Gray Wolf Hunting Trips, Guides and Oufitters

134 Outfitters that offer Gray Wolf Hunting Trips, Guides and Oufitters found.We're here to help you plan your next hunting adventure. The best deer, elk, bear and other big game outfitters in Texas, Colorado and beyond are right here on Guidefitter.
Gray Wolf
Total Outdoor Adventures, Ltd (TOA)
British Columbian Moose HuntFrom $9,500 to $12,330
Fraser-Fort George G • 5 years ago TOA purchased an area in Northern BC for Moose and Black Bears. This area encompasses an insanely high density of moose with a 3:1 Cow to Bull ratio. Our density is proven by our high yearly quotas for Bull Moose and unlimited bear tags every year. The area spreads over 3000 square miles, with such a big area to hunt many areas go untouched for years. The area consists of hunting cut blocks and lakes near roads for hunters who aren't in great physical shape to river camps and float trips for the more adventurous type. We are happy to provide our clients with an 80% opportunity on trophy bull moose over the last 5 years with an impressive 75% success rates. Our moose average 45" to 55" with bulls over 55" taken every season. Hunts can be combined with a black bear and wolf tag. We have good success on black bears in the fall, average bear is 6.5' with a 18" skull. Wolves are an opportunity animal *references upon request*
Lynx/Wolf ComboFrom $7,500 to $9,500
Fraser-Fort George G • Our lynx hunts are conducted in North Central British Columbia, this is a exclusive lynx only area that encompasses 3000 square miles of timber, lakes and river systems. Lynx are hunted with the use of hounds in the mornings and every afternoon/evening will be spent hunting the elusive timber wolf over bait. Success on lynx is very high over the last 4 years and around 50% on wolves. You can expect to be in action every day chasing lynx, we try to focus our harvest on mature toms only. We will only take around 8-12 hunters every year to ensure success and trophy quality for all of our clients. In the last 5 years only one hunter has gone home empty handed (lynx). There is only two spots available for the 2019 season and bookings are half full for 2020 bookings.
Ceaser Lake Outfitters
Big Game HuntsFrom $7,500 to $23,600
Yukon • The Alaska-Yukon moose which we hunt are the largest of all moose. Spreads up to 70 inches are possible however most moose taken are in the 54 – 58 inch, 190 plus B & C point range. As with the moose, our mountain caribou are among the world's largest. Antlers are correspondingly massive. A big bull caribou in his rutting colors is a majestic sight you may never forget. Our Yukon goats are the largest of the species due to being the most northern goat population. Dall or white sheep make up about 95% of our sheep with the remaining 5% showing a very light fannin color. Sheep are hunted with horses in one area and by backpack in the other. Spring hunts using jet boats and hiking give you the best success on big boars. These can be very physically demanding if you want to hike or very relaxing if you prefer just to float. Fall moose hunts give you the next best odds plus you will take a moose and or a caribou home.
Wolf Hunt
Yukon • These animals are rightly called the ultimate predator. Nothing is safe from a wolf pack including the grizzly. They are the population control for all large ungalates and next to a wolverine are the hardest North American trophy to get. Most wolves are taken incidentally on a moose or caribou hunt but we do offer winter wolf hunts with consistently improving success. A most desirable trophy but we can only trap them. They are fairly easily trapped so most clients will get one, however their populations follow our rabbit populations which just crashes every few years.
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