• Self-Guided Float Moose Hunts
The second type of hunt we offer is a float hunt. Many people insist on a float hunt. A float hunt starts at one point and ends at a designated point downriver. Between the two points, we are unable to land and check on you.
The advantages of a float hunt are that you are able to hunt much more area and sometimes an area that is more remote and less hunted. The disadvantages are that you have to set up and breakdown camp several times, usually in the dark, and every time you stop, you must unload your moose from the raft and hang it up. We are not able to land and take out your moose when you kill it. You must haul it with you for the entire float, hanging it up every night.
Moose floats are 60-120 river miles. Floats can be very rewarding, but you must be able to stop and hunt for a couple of days when you see good moose signs, not just float all the time, hoping to float up on a moose and kill it from the raft. But if you want to hunt this way, you must break camp in the dark and be floating in daylight; then float for only a couple of hours, camp during the day, and start floating again about 2 hrs. before dark and float until it's too dark to shoot. Then set up camp in the dark.
This is an excellent way to hunt, but it is not for everyone as it can be very physically challenging. We are happy to book whichever type of hunt you like and would be happy to discuss the pros and cons of both with you. These hunts are based on a minimum of two people and are on an 11-day schedule, with day 1 and day 11 being fly-in/out of the bush days and 9 full days of hunting.